Hello All,
We have developed a custom application on agentry and running on SMP 2.3.
We are using session.getSessionData().getBytes() to recieve the External Data type field value passed in the transaction as shown below.
Surprisingly with agentry jar bundled with SMP 3 this value is coming empty.
The encodeImage method does some encoding and compression as required in the backend.
On migrating/implementing the same to SMP 3.0 based agentry application with new agentryv-5.jar, it was observed that it is returning null in the above call.
At the same type we are able to read the data using the getString()method.
Problem is that earlier with getBytes we were getting image/externalData as array of bytes and formatted or saved. With the string received using getString we are not able to save them, as it is throwing error saying that it is not a valid image.
This is preventing the implementation of attachment functionality of the application. Can you please let us know the modifications done in the library for the picking the attachment values from the transaction.
Please provide a new solution.