Please see the communication about the issue:
For response performance to users’ input, there is an issue on real Windows Phone device I believe in the UI5 library. If users try to swipe the screen up and down, there is a delay of a fixed interval. Within the delay, the screen will not follow finger operation to scroll. And if users lift up their finger within the interval, the UI5 will generate a click event. If users are still swiping after the interval, the screen will start to move. This is a very bad user experience. I tried to locate the delay in the UI5 library, but could only find a timeout defined in the same operation, and it tries to determine whether it is a tap event. And I could only find a definition of swipe event left and right, there is no similar event defined for up and down swipe. I appreciate any suggestion/hint for this issue. The delay is about 750ms, which might be related with the setting of tapholdThreshold. However, I could not find direct connection between them.
Right now we are using OpenUI5.
We observed this issue on Lumia 830 and 1520. On Lumia 1020 it looks working. OS version for Lumia 830 is 8.10.14234.375