Halo experts,
I have a table for which I created a Table Maintenance Generator in se11. I want to have dynamic f4 for that table. Based on the value of field1 field2 shoould offer f4 help values.
I tried to code in the screen 0001 that i created for TMG. I put a POV module Module F4_value in PAI of the screen 0001 . It works when I put the Module F4_value in the standard Include LSVIMIXX . But I tried to put the module in a separate Include that I created for this purpose inside the Function Group of TMG. The screen 0001 is not recognising the Module and when I press f4 on field2 it is not getting inside the module.
The problem with ediiting Include LSVIMIXX is it comes as a repair and client is not allowing the same. I cannot find a relevant Table maintenance event also for doing the same.