We're using SUM1.0SP13 patch4 in order to do a PI upgrade from 7.11(sp13) Kernel 721_EXT_REL v331 to 7.40(sp11) Kernel 7.42 v212
Oracle 11g
AIX 6.1 64-bit
I took my time to read the SUM GUIDE and these notes:
SUM note 2039311
Oracle note 2039312
AIX note 1780629
NW note 1751237
And as a result of reading all the notes/SUMguide I applied many notes / changed PRIOR to starting SUM.
Once I started SUM, I reached extraction phase and am STUCK on this error:
In case you can't read the attached PIC, I am in phase PREP_INIT/SETSYNC_PREP_STARTED and I am getting an error saying Last error code set: No synchronization mechanism available
I have tried re-running the phase, but no luck, same error. The logs don't really say much:
...started at 20150806114645
# Setting syncpoint PREPARE=STARTED
..finished at 20150806114645 with status ABORTED.
# Error message set: 'No synchronization mechanism available'
...begin dialog at 20150806114658
I cannot find any notes/threads or searches that address this issue.
I'll open a message if I must, but I'd rather submit here first to see if anyone has an idea!