Hi SAP Gurus,
After restore database into system calls XXX, database user db2xxx have a follow issues:
When write some command into db2user, show:
SQL1092N The requested command or operation failed because the user ID does not have the authority to perform the requested command or operation. User ID: "DB2XXX"
The system start ok with user <sid>adm, but in DB13 transaction when try to execute some action like execute backup this action is canceled and show error” Backup_Dev: SQL Message: SQL1092N Therequested command or operation failed because the user ID does not have the authority toperform the requested Backup_Dev: command or operation. User ID: "DB2XXX row=1”
When shutdown system, database can´t stop, and show:
Database could not be stopped. Database is still running. See details in ~/stopdb.log
/usr/sap/XXX/SYS/exe/run/stopdb: DB shutdown failed please send the tracefile /home/sedadm/stopsap.trc to support
Operative system is AIX with database DB2.