Hi Experts ,
I was going through the plethora of SAP firori architectures put across in Internet and see the ABAP frontend server as a integral component in
all of them.
When used in conjuction with the SAP business suite , the architecture has a ABAP front end server on top of the Backend ABAP server which is shown enclosing the SAP Business suite .
I'm confused as to what is the relevance of a ABAP frone end server , the netweaver AS ABAP provides gateway services and Odata services , so when this is already present what is the need for a separate ABAP front end server just to provide UI5 artefacts ?
Can anyone here help me with the following doubts I have :
1) what is the difference between a Front end ABAP and backend ABAP server?
2)when UI5 and Fiori is a HTML5 based technology and The business logic is not part of Fiori UX , why the Front end application server is called a
ABAP front end server ?
2)does front end ABAP server have any relevance when the backend is a HANA system with HANA XS Application server ?