In FPM HCM processes and forms, i am trying to populate some list of values in table format using FPM_LIST_UIBB component.
I read some blogs of Christopher Solomon related to table CRUD operations. But still trying to understand how it's in FPM based forms.
As per my requirement, there are 3 fields which I have added into my generic service BADI in method GET_OPERATIONS.
APPEND 'PERNR_SUB' TO lt_fieldnames.
APPEND 'EMPNAME_SUB' TO lt_fieldnames.
APPEND 'REPTYPE' TO lt_fieldnames.
ls_operation-operation = 'OP_REPORTIES'.
ls_operation-fieldnames = lt_fieldnames.
And I have configured the List component configuration using FPM_LIST_UIBB and added that fields to the configuration.
If it's single field values I can directly fill in INITIALIZE method.
But now here this fields should get fill more than one row's details in initialization stage and display it in below format.