I have written the following query which grabs some contact information from a user defined table ->
SELECT isnull(rtrim(T0.U_occupier),'') +','+ isnull(rtrim(T0.U_adrl1),'') + ','+ isnull(rtrim(T0.U_adrl2),'') +','+ isnull(rtrim(T0.U_adrl3),'') +','+ isnull(rtrim(T0.U_adrl4),'') +','+ isnull(rtrim(T0.U_adrpc),'') +','+ isnull(rtrim(T0.U_tele),'') + ',' + isnull(rtrim(code),'') from [@property] t0 where t0.code = substring($[$38.30.0],2,10)
It searches on the property table using the distribution rule field on the item line of the purchase order screen
At the moment I run this from a udf text field on the rows of the purchase order
Ideally the customer wants it to run on a udf on the purchase order header, but it won't run, I guess it's because it doesn't know which item line to use
The message is - Internal error (3006) occurred
Does anyone know if this is possible please ?
Thanks for any ideas
Regards Andy