We want a condition type which would be calculated based on previous condition value.
Example is below
S.no | From | To | C.Typ | Alt Cal type | Amount | Qty | Cond Value |
10 | ZFNN | 1000 | 5 | 5000 | |||
20 | ZVAT | 901 | 5 | 238.10 |
Condition class-Surcharge/Discount
Calculation type-Quantity
Condition class-Surcharge/Discount
Calculation type-G(Formula)
Here for ZYNN i want to key in KBETR value 5 manually.
I wanrt the condition value of ZVAT to be =5000*5/(100+5)
The routine 901=should calculate the value like this 5000*5/(100+5),so that Condition value will become as 238.10
We have created routine for alternate calculation.
But my ZYYY value is coming as 250 but not 238.10
I am little new in using routine.
What will be the Condition class,Calcualtion type to be used for ZYYY,should i use From ,to value for this.
Kindly advise me.